I'm a Software Engineer, primarily working on browser based technologies. I have worked both on complex single page apps, third party components and behind the scenes tracking of user behavior. For details, see my full CV below.
The Pulse tracker is one of the key components in Schibsteds data strategy. It is used to collect all events from Schibsted web components and sites. It allows the different sites to describe and collect data about user behavior in a compatible way across the different site properties.
Written in vanilla javascript as a collection of multiple NPM modules.
Pulse Monitor give site developers and tracking administrators and insight in exactly what data is being sent to Schibsted. A key part of the data strategy of Schibsted is to collect compatible data cross site. To do this a schema was developed and Pulse monitor will tell you to what degree the data you are sending is compatible with the schema.
Written in React.js, Redux and redux-saga.
Pulse Unicorn is a Chrome Developer Tools Extension that gives you similar information that Pulse monitor will give you, but in real time inside Chrome dev tools.
Written in React.js and Redux.
Schibsted Messenger is a core component used across all Classified sites of Schibsted. It is a fully featured instant messaging solution that can be dropped in to web pages or iOS and Android apps.
Written in Vue.js and vuex.
I'm a highly experienced Software Engineer, primarily working on browser based technologies. I have worked both on complex single page apps, third party components and behind the scenes tracking of user behavior.
In Schibsted I wrote the tracking script running on all Schibsted web properties to collect the data powering Schibsted data strategy. I also rewrote the XMPP chat client running on all Schibsted marketplace (now Adevinta) web sites.
In Cxense I was responsible for the development of Cxense Insight (similar to Google Analytics and other analytics software), Cxense DMP and Cxense Content.
In the products above I have used a range of common web tech, e.g React.js, Vue.js, Redux, Webpack.
Tip! If you need the CV as a nicely formatted PDF, there is an appropriate print style sheet in place.
9 months
Mar 2018 - Nov 2019
3 years
Nov 2016 - Nov 2019
Tech lead for the Pulse Tracking team.
Made new Pulse SDK and maintained the old one.
Worked on Schibsted Messenger in Barcelona.
4 years
Functioned as the technical team lead for the Applications (front end) group, in addition to working as a senior developer.
Front end developer working on all the apps developed at the Oslo office, Cxense Insight, Cxense DMP, Cxense Content and Cxense Search. The applications went through an evolution of Apache Wicket, jQuery, Backbone/Handlebars and today are today built with React/Redux.
1 year 3 months
Working with clients to develop custom modifications on top of the SharePoint platform.
2 years
Summer intern during the summer, part time during the academic semester. Focused on improving the in house continuous integration system, test reporting and developing demo apps of Vespa, the search engine developed at the Yahoo! Trondheim office.
3 months
Set up continuous integration for Lovisa, the Norwegian National Courts Administration case management system.
2 years 4 months
Technical support for students and staff at the university.
5 years
Master program done in the department for artificial intelligence.
Master thesis: Utilizing linguistic analysis in multiple source search engines
I started this page by cloning murraco/jekyll-theme-minimal-resume . While I ended up changing everything to the point where the repos does not resemble each other at all I still want to give murraco credit for the desigh of the page.
The page is a simple as it gets, manually written HTML and CSS. The one exception is that I use the loop feature in SCSS to create all the CSS animation in the header. I wrote the page on my sabatical traveling through Asia so I tried to make it as fast as possible over a slow connection.